We aim to improve health and wellbeing by funding research of the highest quality in Scottish universities and recognised research institutions. We fund research broadly based into the cause, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of all forms of illness, disease or medical disorders, and the advancement of medical technology.

All Medical Research Scotland funding is targeted at early career research. We make available resources for undergraduate and postgraduate students, people establishing their own independent labs and people who are returning to science after a career break.

These stepping-stones from undergraduate through to independent researchers make a positive difference to people’s careers, helping develop their skills and strengthen Scotland’s medical research base.

Our Research Funding Strategy is bounded by the terms and restrictions of our constitutive legislation. It is reviewed on an annual basis.

Why do we support research?

We want to improve the health of individuals globally by funding research into the cause, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of illness, disease or medical disorders, or to advance medical technology. We also want to support high calibre researchers at the early stages of their research careers to strengthen and grow Scotland’s workforce of excellent medical researchers.

The objectives of Medical Research Scotland are to:

  • award grants to promote medical research in Scotland;
  • afford doctoral students outstanding research and development experiences by promoting translational research with external partner organisations;
  • fund research that will have impact on society and in academia;
  • engage in fundraising activities for the purposes of the Trust;
  • receive, hold and manage endowments, donations and bequests for the above purposes;
  • encourage future generations to follow a career in medical research;
  • expand the development all application of Intellectual Property.

What type of research do we support?

We support a broad spectrum of medical research intended to improve understanding of the basic mechanisms of disease processes; or improve the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of disease; or the advancement of medical technology. We will support research into any disease condition and through any academic discipline, including projects based in the laboratory, clinical research, epidemiological studies and computational mathematical or image analyses.

Medical Research Scotland is a member of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC). We support the principle of using animals in research only when necessary to advance understanding of health and disease and to develop new treatments. This research only takes place where there is no alternative available. All AMRC member charities support this principle, as outlined in the AMRC Statement on the use of animals in research.

We are committed to supporting the highest-quality research, as judged by external peer review and internal scrutiny by our Trustees. Applications are assessed on criteria specific to the award type, which include the scope, relevance, quality and potential impact of the proposed research.

How we plan to fund research, what funding is available and for how long

Medical Research Scotland can only provide funding for its research awards by using income from its endowed funds. This is augmented for PhD Studentships by additional support from the external partner organisations involved. We offer:

  • 4-year PhD Studentships delivered in collaboration with an External Partner Organisation;
  • 3-year MRS-RCPSG Clinical PhD Studentship jointly funded with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow;
  • Early Career Starter Grants;
  • 6 week Undergraduate Vacation Scholarships;
  • Part-time Fellowships in conjunction with the Daphne Jackson Trust for returners to research, typically 2-3 years.

The number of awards made in any one year is at the discretion of the Trustees taking into consideration the quality of the applications received and the funds available. We aim to support up to 25 PhD Studentships, 50 Undergraduate Vacation Research Scholarships, 6 Early Career Starter Grants and 2 Daphne Jackson Fellowships each year.

Who we will support and where

We are committed to making a difference to individuals considering, establishing or returning to a career in a medical research field in Scotland.

The Vacation Scholarships offer promising undergraduates the opportunity to gain hands-on experience of research during the summer vacation, encouraging them to consider a career in medical research. The awards are made to a project supervisor for a nominated student and a specified medically relevant project. The research must take place in a Scottish university or recognised research institution, but awards are available to undergraduates matriculated at a UK or Republic of Ireland University.

The 4-year PhD Studentships provide high performing graduates with the skills and experience required to develop successful research careers. The awards are made to Scottish universities and/or recognised research institutions, working in collaboration with external partner organisations to deliver an innovative PhD programme incorporating all the benefits of a traditional academic programme, amplified by training and experiences delivered by the external partner organisation. The research must be based in Scotland, although short placements elsewhere are encouraged, if appropriate.

The 3-year MRS-RCPSG Clinical PhD Studentships provide a Clinical PhD Studentship programme to research into any matter relating to human health that is clinical or patient focused. The Clinical PhD Studentships are jointly funded by MRS and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow and are awarded to Scottish universities and/or recognised research institutions for a named Clinical PhD Student, who must have been awarded their undergraduate medical or dentistry degree and must have completed their foundation training. The university provides academic PhD training and career development opportunities and the training and project is intended to enhance the prospects of the Clinical PhD Student to pursue a future clinical academic career.

The Early Career Starter Grants provide small awards to support those who have started a recently-awarded independent research position at a Scottish university and/or research institution to further develop their own independent programme of research.

The Medical Research Scotland Sponsored Daphne Jackson Fellowships are a collaboration between us and the Daphne Jackson Trust. They support people wishing to return to medical research after a prolonged break from a paid research position, increasing employability and ameliorating the disadvantages associated with a career break. Applicants must hold a PhD, or have at least three years research experience prior to the career break. The Fellowships are part-time and flexible. The Fellowships must be held at a Scottish University and/or recognised research institution and provide an individually tailored retraining programme. As well as funding, Medical Research Scotland offers its awardees networking, additional training and outreach opportunities.

Information about call dates, eligibility, award details, review processes and conditions for the funding schemes can be found at the “Funding”  section of the website: www.medicalresearchscotland.org.uk/funding.htm.

How do we support our awardees?

As well as providing financial support, we take a keen interest in the researchers we support and pride ourselves on the supportive environment we provide. We offer outreach opportunities for our awardees and encourage them to discuss their research with the wider public. Our PhD students are provided with career development, networking opportunities and social activities at their annual residential Researcher Development Event. Our PhD students, Daphne Jackson Fellows and Early Career Researchers are invited to join the MRS Alumni.

September 2024