A legacy of £20,000 from the estate of the late Joyce Mutch has been received, for which the Trustees are very grateful.
The Trustees are very appreciative for the £1,000 legacy from the estate of the late Fiona Harrison.
A donation of £6,000 for research into cancer has been gratefully received from the Trustees of the Walter Lawrie Trust.
The Trustees are grateful for the significant donation from the Ella McGregor Trust.
A legacy of £140,949.62 has been gratefully recieved from the Trustees of the Millicent Gunter Trust.
The Trustees would like to express their appreciation of an additional donation of £71,139.79 from the estate of the late Roseanne Gairn Adams.
An anonymous donation of £30.00 has been gratefully received.
A legacy of £7,500 from the estate of the late Anne Assumpta Young has been received, for which the Trustees are very grateful.
The Trustees are appreciative for the legacy of £25,000.00 from the late John Balfour Allan.
The Trustees would like to express their thanks to Elizabeth Ramsay for her continued support, including a recent donation of 20,000 to fund biomedical research.
"...Without this funding, I could not have made the collaboration now so vital to my research." - Former Grantholder