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We are dependent on donations, legacies and investment income to be able to fund the great research and scientists we support.
As the country’s largest independent medical research charity, our team is small but our impact is great. Our prestigious funding programmes provide the foundations for research careers and a legacy of world-leading research and scientific discoveries.
We support outstanding research that aims to improve the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of diseases; to understand basic disease processes; and to develop medical technologies. You can read about the projects we have funded as a result of the generosity of past donors, including a rapid-response programme of research into Covid-19, on our Awards page.
The grants we are making today will have long-lasting benefits for future generations. The support of our donors is critical to enable Medical Research Scotland to help the brightest and best researchers establish a career and reach their potential.
Please help us to continue to better understand, diagnose and treat disease by donating today. All donations and legacies, large or small, are very welcome. Please see our Legacy Brochure to learn how your leagacy can support our work.
Become a Supporter
If you decide to make a donation or a bequest, we will ensure that your wishes for the use of your money will be fulfilled.
Leave a lasting legacy of medical research
Your generous donations and gifts provide a lasting legacy as Medical Research Scotland funding programmes support research into all diseases – helping to enhance health in Scotland and globally by improving the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of any disease. The quality of the research and its usefulness are most important for us.
To enable us to continue to fund the breadth of research and conditions which we would like to, your gift to us will be most valuable if you do not specify a particular disease, but if you would prefer to be specific then you can be assured that we will comply with your wishes. Please tell us what you would like when donating.
You can see all recent donations here.
"...[learning about] the relationship of academia and industry [was] really valuable." - PhD student at commercial training event
Please give online now through the secure system.
Alternatively, please download the donation forms below and send them to us by post at:
Trust Secretaries Turcan Connell Princes Exchange 1 Earl Grey Street Edinburgh, EH3 9EE
Hear why your support is needed.