
Out and about with MRS

EC-TPD Network Poster Prize Winner

Daniel Webb was awarded the joint first place prize in the poster competition at the Early Career Researchers in Targeted Protein Degradation (EC-TPD) Network Meeting at the University of Dundee School of Life Sciences in November 2022. Congratulations Daniel!   His poster on his PhD research was titled: ‘ALK2 Degradation:…

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2nd Year PGR Symposium Poster Prize

Congratulations to Rebecca Budgett who was judged as giving the best second year poster presentation at the University of Glasgow’s Institute of Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology’s annual PGR Symposium. In her virtual and interactive poster presentation entitled “Targeting the type 5 metabotropic glutamate receptor in a mouse model of…

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Drug Discovery Poster Prize Winner

The annual meeting of the European Federation for Medicinal Chemistry went virtual this year and the meeting, scheduled to be held in Basel, moved online. A virtual poster presentation formed part of the event, with over 200 posters being presented in the areas of chemical biology/technology and drug discovery. Dan…

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BACR Gordon Hamilton-Fairley Young Investigator Poster Award Winner

Congratulations to Hugh Nicholson who was awarded the Britiah Assocaition for Cancer Research (BACR) Gordon Hamilton-Fairley Young Investigator Poster Award at the 2019 National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Confernce in Glasgow for his poster entitled ‘FGF1 and HSP27 Interact to Modulate the DNA Damage Response in Chemoresistant Ovarian Cancer Cells’.

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Interested in becoming a Trustee?

Salary: Unpaid Location: Edinburgh Medical Research Scotland (MRS) is always interested in the possibility of new Trustees joining its Board. The Trustee Board is comprised of people from a range of professional backgrounds. The current membership can be found on our website. Our Trustees are responsible and accountable for the…

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Best student poster winner at 20th SCI/RSC Medicinal Chemistry Symposium

Jennifer Clark gave a flash presentation and presented a poster on her research into the Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Autotaxin Inhibitors at the 20th SCI/RSC Medicinal Chemistry Symposium (Cambridge) over the course of three days in September 2019 and after a panel discussion, she was awarded the MedChemComm sponsored Best Student Poster…

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